Drive Lock!
* Go to Start --> Run.* Open Registry Editor by typing regedit.* Now, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software --> Microsoft --> Windows --> CurrentVersion --> Policies --> Explorer.* In the right pane create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives(it is case sensitive).* Modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal).* Now restart your computer.* So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown - All Gone.* To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item that you created.* Again restart your computer.* You can now see all the drives again.
Folder Lock!
* Imagine you want to lock the folder named test in C: drive.* The path for the folder is C:\test.* Now create a text file at C:\ and type the following command-----ren test test.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}* Now save this text file as hide.bat* Create another text file and type in it------ren test.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} test* Now save this text file as restore.bat* Press hide.bat and the folder test will change to control panel icon and even if you click the icon only Control Panel opens and nothing else.* Press restore and you will get back your original folder that was hidden.* You can move this folder to anywhere on your drives. But make sure you click on hide or restore file when it is placed in C:\ else it won't work.
Folder Lock without Software!
* Open Notepad and Copy and Paste the below code and save as locker.bat.* Edit your Password in the code in the 23rd line. It's written there "Type your Password here".* Erase the Quotation Marks and erase "Type your Password here" and type a new Password.* At first time when you click on locker.bat, it will create folder named Locker automatically for you.* After creation of Locker folder, again click on the locker.bat.* It will ask for locking the folder, Press Y.* Locker folder will now be disappeared.* Again to get it, click on locker.bat. It will ask for your Password.* Type your Password and the folder will be back again.* If you want to change the name of Locker, then edit the each and every Locker written in the Script.cls@ECHO OFFtitle Folder Lockerif EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}" goto UNLOCKif NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER:CONFIRMecho Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)set/p "cho=>"if %cho%==Y goto LOCKif %cho%==y goto LOCKif %cho%==n goto ENDif %cho%==N goto ENDecho Invalid choice.goto CONFIRM:LOCKren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}"attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}"echo Folder lockedgoto End:UNLOCKecho Enter password to Unlock folderset/p "pass=>"if NOT %pass%=="Type your Password here" goto FAILattrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}"ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}" Lockerecho Folder Unlocked successfullygoto End:FAILecho Invalid passwordgoto end:MDLOCKERmd Lockerecho Locker created successfullygoto End:End
Setting Wallpaper in Drive!
* Create a Notepad file on your desired drive.* If you want to set a wallpaper named Poster1 in your D-Drive, then open the destination of Poster1 in My Computer.* Now Copy the URL of Poster1 in the following code given below.* Also erase the Quotation marks and also erase "Paste the URL here".* Copy and Paste the Code in the Notepad file.* Save it as desktop.ini and press Enter.[{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}]iconarea_image="Paste the URL here"iconarea_text=0x00FFFFFF
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